Water Issues In The US

Water Issues in the US is rising every day. Today, just like every day for the past 12 years living in San Diego I turned on the tap and fresh, clean water poured out. I look forward to coffee every morning and almost always look past the amazing journey the water made from either Northern California or the Colorado River to make my coffee. Some San Diego water travels a 444-mile-long California Aqueduct to reach my tap or a 242-mile-long Colorado River Aqueduct carrying water from Lake Havasu to Southern California to reach our homes and businesses. (Approximately 30% of San Diego water comes from Northern California, 50% from the Colorado River, and 20% from local sources.) Every day, all day long, all the water we want for less than a penny a gallon.

Water Issues in the US

Not everyone in the U.S. is taking fresh, clean water for granted. It only takes a few quick searches on Twitter to learn we have some serious issues with water today. Search #flintwater and #flintwatercrisis and you will quickly learn about the growing frustration of not having clean, safe drinking water. Here is one of the most popular tweets reminding us of the problem.


You can feel the frustration in tweets like this one.

A quick search of #PuertoRico and you will find millions there are without clean, fresh drinking water.

The Simpsons are even getting in the game.

After the hurricanes hit Texas and Florida clean fresh water was a concern there too.

It shouldn’t take a live-threatening moment to truly appreciate what we have. Unfortunately, most of us forget what we have and how grateful we should be for it. In fact, we often count our misfortunes instead of counting our blessings. So today while you enjoy your cup of coffee, tea or glass of water take some time to think about where the water came from and how fortunate you are to have it.

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