Irrigation Hacks: Easy Solutions for Common Problems

There are many easy solutions for complex problems that don’t work. Fortunately for us, these irrigation hacks are simple solutions that work for the irrigation problems listed below. Broken Sprinkler – Hopefully, at a minimum, you are inspecting your irrigation system monthly for broken heads. I recommend an inspection after every mowing. Broken heads waste tons of water, and everyone has a story of a broken head by a drain and the resulting $40,000 water bill…. Read more »

The Power of Smart Controllers

The power of smart controllers comes from using the “smart” features as a tool to manage water. I remember the first time I looked at an Excel spreadsheet I asked a colleague what is all the fuss about? It just looks like a sheet of graph paper to me.  I couldn’t believe there wasn’t some type of template already embedded so I could easily manipulate data.  As I learned more about Excel I started to… Read more »