100 Ways Winner of the Day

Congratulations Nancy Budny of McLean, VA! You won a Hunter® Wireless Rain-Clik™ rain sensor as part of our 100 Ways, 100 Days campaign. You are one of 100 winners who won’t be running your sprinklers in the rain this coming wet season and reaping the benefits.  Everyone else – get on board and let the water savings pour in! Saving water doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated. Check back every day through early November for a new water-saving tip you can apply to your property.

Tip #14

Save a ton!  Installing flow meters can help your property save thousands of gallons of water each year.

  1. Tiffany Reply

    Summer has been extremely hot here in NY as well, with lots of humitidy. I’m a hot weather person and even prefer exercising when the temperature peaks. In the mornings, when it’s a little cooler, I like to sit in the backyard, eat breakfast, and observe the various comings and goings of the little animals-birds, squirrels, insects-flitting around. It’s a pleasant and relaxing way to start the day. We do have an air conditioner, and so at different intervals during the day, I come inside to cool off and at those times go on the computer and visit BC. But I do enjoy the heat and don’t shy away from it, and wish, quite frankly, that summer would never end.

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