We hope you all enjoyed your Labor Day weekend. Congratulations to this week’s winners!
- Yvonne Grenier, Middletown, CT
- Melody Melara, San Diego, CA
- Alexis Matt, Scottsdale, AZ
- Bernard Everling, San Diego, CA
- Chris Munson, Austin, TX
- Charlotte Stein, Bradenton, FL
- Larry Steele, Aurora, CO
You have each won a Hunter® Wireless Rain-Clik™ rain sensor as part of our 100 Ways, 100 Days campaign. You are among the 100 winners who won’t be running your sprinklers in the rain this coming wet season and reaping the benefits. Everyone else – get on board and let the water savings pour in! Saving water doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated. Check back every Monday through early November for a weekly list of water-saving tips you can apply to your property.
Tips 30-36
- Take the initiative. When your community is building or renovating a local school, encourage your school district to promote water conservation. Education is key.
- When installing turf, be sure the plans specify a turf mix or blend that matches your site conditions and weather.
- During the design phase of your project, talk to your local water agency about drought tolerant plants appropriate for your region. They often have information as well as pictures of plants for your specific area.
- Be a trendsetter. Share these water savings tips with your co-workers.
- Be H2O resourceful with everyday items we take for granted. Save the ice from your to-go cups, melt it down and throw the water on your plants.
- A little ice goes a long way. Dropped ice in the house again while filing up your glass? Don’t throw the ice cube in the sink. Instead place it in one of your house plants.
- Plants love second-hand water. When giving your pets fresh water don’t just throw the old water away. Instead pour it on some of your plants.