4 Steps For Growing Cucumbers Up a Fence

Growing cucumbers up a fence significantly maximize garden space and eliminate many diseases and insect issues. In addition, it is an excellent way to grow organically. The steps below, plus some planning and preparation, will make this easy. Complete the steps, and you are on the way to enjoying fresh, delicious cucumbers all season long. In addition, the last time I went to the store, organic cucumbers were $1.79 each. This is an easy vegetable to grow that can be used in salads daily and, say, a portion of your food budget.

Why grow cucumbers up a fence?

Growing cucumbers up a fence work well for many reasons. First, if you are short of space in your garden and have a fence, you significantly expand your space by growing up a fence. This is especially important if you have limited space, and it also takes advantage of space between ornamentals like roses.

Second, growing cucumbers up a fence make them easier to harvest. Gardeners spend enough time bending over in gardens weeding, planting, and harvesting. Growing cucumbers vertically makes them more visible and accessible. This makes grabbing one off the vine easy when it’s time to make a salad.

Ever worry about vegetables lying on the ground ripening? When vegetables are grown on the ground, they are more susceptible to pests and diseases. Growing them vertically helps improve air circulation around the plants, which reduces the risk of disease and makes it more difficult for pests to find them.

Here’s how to grow cucumbers up a fence in 5 easy steps:

Step 1: Choose a fence

The first step is to choose a fence suitable for growing cucumbers. Ideally, the fence should be sturdy and able to support the weight of the cucumber plants. Two cucumbers can easily weigh a pound. Leave them on the vine awhile, and they get to a pound each easily. Each of your plants will yield around ten cucumbers.

Step 2: Prepare the soil

This is a common step for all vegetable growing. First, prepare the soil by adding compost and other organic matter. Good examples of organic matter include manure, leaves, or, my favorite, worm castings. Here is an excellent article on worm castings if you are unfamiliar with them. Cucumbers prefer well-draining soil. Consider adding sand or perlite to improve drainage if your soil is heavy or clay-like.

Step 3: Plant the cucumbers

Plant the cucumber seeds or seedlings at the base of the fence, about 6 inches apart. If you’re using seeds, plant them about 1 inch deep. If you’re using seedlings, dig a hole slightly larger than the root ball and place the seedling in the hole. Cover the roots with soil and press down gently. If you want to grow from seeds and have a store-bought cucumber, scoop the seeds out of the cucumber. Then drop them in water. The best seeds will settle on the bottom. Transfer those seeds to a wet paper towel and sprinkle them with cinnamon. The cinnamon protects the seeds from rot and helps keep them moist. Put them in a dark place, and in a few days, the seedlings will be ready for planting.

Step 4: Train the cucumbers

As the cucumbers grow, gently train them to climb the fence or trellis. You can do this by gently tying them to the fence with string. Check on the cucumbers regularly and adjust the trellis or support system as needed.

Remember the water. Cucumbers have shallow root zones. Six inches under the soil is standard, spreading a couple of feet wide. Their crop coefficient is .6 early season, 1 mid-season, and .75 late. In the hot summer months, you may have to water them daily. Remember, the water that passes the roots in the root zone is wasted water and nutrients. Watch carefully to determine how much water is needed to fill the root zone.

Cucumber plants typically start to produce fruit in about 60-70 days. Once the cucumbers are ready to harvest, pick them off the vine. Check the cucumbers regularly, as they can grow quickly and become overripe if left on the vine too long.

Growing cucumbers up a fence is a great way to save space, battle disease and pests, and produce fresh, delicious cucumbers. With some planning and preparation, it’s easy to grow cucumbers vertically and enjoy this method’s many benefits.

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