Online Irrigation Trainings: Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste

If you are an irrigation professional, grower or water manager who wants to brush up and improve your skills during the pandemic then attending irrigation trainings online can be pretty useful. Mark Cuban has some good advice: “Make use of whatever down-time you might have to brush up on the skills that might impress your future employer. Every interviewer from now on is going to ask you what skills did you add during the pandemic of 2020.” He also suggests we use this time to become great at the work you want to do and add new skills to your repertoire.

This is excellent advice, but sometimes it’s hard to find educational opportunities for those of us in the water conservation business. Thanks to Jain Irrigation, this is changing. Recently Jain started providing regular irrigation trainings online a couple of times a week for free to anyone wanting to improve their skills in irrigation, water management, and sustainability. The Jain Irrigation training sessions are inspiring water managers of all levels and in multiple water management fields.  This is your chance to join experts and enthusiasts to discover and share new techniques, smart tips, and new technology.

Are These Irrigation Trainings Just Commercials For Jain Irrigation?

The irrigation trainings cover various subjects and many cover subjects that do not include information about Jain products. They cover topics like System Management In Controlled Environment Agriculture, Harvest Recommendations, Budgets, and Best Practices For Marketing Hemp, Critical Success Factors For Landscape Contractors, and many more. There are some specific to Jain Products, unique product offers, and discount pricing for Jain products offered during the instruction. However, the instructors and guests are very aware this is a learning experience and provide a positive learning experience for those who attend. 

Where Do I Find These Irrigation Trainings?

The future irrigation trainings are posted on Jain’s website at this location – If you scroll down on that page, you will also see the previous webinars, and you can watch all these for no charge. Jain provides these at no cost as part of their conservation and sustainability message and helps fulfill their mission to leave this world better than you found it.

They Are Available In Podcasts Too?

For all the runners, walkers, and water managers who like to listen on the go, the irrigation trainings are available on Apple, Spotify, iHeart Radio and google podcasts. Just search Jain Irrigation on the channels, and you will find all the episodes. If your favorite podcasts are on Stitcher or TuneIn, you can find them there too.

Who Are The Instructors For These Irrigation Trainings?

The instructors come from all over the irrigation industry. They include Landscape Architect, Lance Sweeney, Ag Irrigation Designer Perry Continente, The Hawthorne Gardening customer support team, Jim Kauth from Aqua Trac System in Arizona, and Ken Olson from Olson Business Solutions, to name a few. Also, President of Jain Irrigation, Aric Olson, discusses the future of Ag Technology and covers a three-part series on nitrogen and fertilizer for agriculture. 

You will also find several of the subject matter experts on products for Jain Irrigation presenting as well. It is a well-rounded group covering different but specific subjects each week. You can also view these trainings categorized by their industry.

A big thanks to Mark Cuban for helping us put this crisis in perspective and motivating us in a positive direction. The Jain trainings are valuable now and in the future. There is so much to learn about water management, conservation and sustainability and I look forward to many years of training from Jain. 

Irrigation Training Series

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