Thankfully Earth Day Is Earth Days This Year

This week marks the 51st year of Earth Day Celebrations, and considering according to Science Direct, the United States is losing soil ten times faster than it’s replenished. We need to pay more attention to what is happening with our farmland. The  Earth Day network strongly supports regenerative farming as a solution to transform farmers into environmental heroes.  

I don’t know any growers who think of themselves as environmental heroes; however, I know many farmers are proud of the way they farm and consider themselves stewards of the environment.  Solutions like adding labels to products identifying them as products of certified regenerative agriculture is a giant leap for progress. 

Growers, ranchers, fruit, and vegetable growers are coming on board rapidly, but we still have lots of ground to cover. It ultimately takes demand from the consumers to make this happen. That is why we are all responsible for the success of this solution, and all play an essential part. Have you considered enjoying a plant-based meal today or using a footprint calculator to determine how your meals impact the planet.

3 Days Of Activities For Earth Day

Today, Earth Day kicks off with a Global Youth Summit. You can learn all about it here.  The summit is led by Earth Uprising, collaborating with My Future My Voice, OneMillionOfUs, and hundreds of youth climate activists. The summit begins at 2:30 PM Eastern Time on April 20.

The global youth summit will consist of panels, speeches, discussions, and special messages with today’s youth climate activists, including Greta Thunberg, Alexandria Villaseñor, and Licypriya Kangujam.

Wednesday Education International leads the “Teach for the Planet: Global     Education Summit.” This summit is focused on the role educators play in combating climate change.

Everyday is Earth Day

There are panel discussions and special performances on climate restoration technologies, regenerative agriculture, citizen science, cleanups, and more on Thursday.

Love This Quiz 

There is a regenerative agriculture quiz challenging readers’ knowledge with questions like True or False. Every year, the United States loses approximately 996 million metric tons of soil through erosion? Another question – Which of the following is not a regenerative agriculture practice – Minimal tillage, crop rotation, composting, monoculture. You can take the quiz here.

What You Can Do All Year Long 

Jain believes every day is Earth Day. If you feel the same, you can find a list of 51 actions you can take during the year to help do your part for the earth. Share your progress with us in the comments section, and let’s turn this situation around together.

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