But before we bid the decade adieu, let’s check out the ten most popular articles from the Jain Water Blog from the past year.
Are droughts natural or caused by humans? This article examines the top 5 causes of drought and how humans can address the situation.
Overwatering plants is a big issue for landscapes today. Too much water often mimics the signs of too little water. This article provides six signs you can easily recognize to determine if you are giving your plants too much water.
Seven quotes about water from Alan Watts to Benjamin Franklin. These quotes help you understand the real value of water.
Mae West taught us, “If a little is great, and a lot is better, then way too much is just about right!”. When it comes to fertilizing plants, her advice can be deadly. It’s tempting to give plants too much fertilizer because we think it makes them grow faster and look healthier. However, this often leads to over-fertilizing your plants. This article gives you practical advice to determine if you are over-fertilizing.
Unfortunately, the signals you receive from your plants for under watering are similar to the signals you receive when you overwater plants. Underwatering and overwatering plants many times reach the same outcome – sick or dead plants. This article has some critical signs to look for that will help you determine if you are overwatering or under watering your plants.
If you are living in a major metropolitan area, and receive water from a water company, chances are either chlorine or chloramine is added to the water as a disinfectant. How does this chlorine impact your garden plants and soil? This article has some of the answers.
Rainwater is soft water and the preferred type of water for your plants; however, do not confuse softened water with rainwater. Softened water is often hazardous to your plants. This article examines if the chlorine in your garden is a sustainable practice.
Living in the United States, we expect access to clean drinking water each time we turn on the faucet. For most of our lives, it has always been this way, and we expect this in the future too. We feel secure about our water and our water future. While feeling secure about our water future, most of us have no idea where the water comes from or where it goes. A better understanding of types of water will help make us better managers of our most precious resource.
Cannabis, like any plant, is constantly using valuable energy trying to grow a root base. To be sure there are no interruptions in growth, we must provide the plant with a combination of nutrients and water. This article provides background and formulas that determine the amount of water you need to provide your plants daily.
This year the stock market and our portfolio of water stocks increased substantially. The best performers in the portfolio improved by around 30%, and not one experienced a loss. This series of articles dates back to 2012 intending to increase awareness of water scarcity, potentially raise capital for water infrastructure and provide an opportunity to do more than complain about rising water prices. We have been following a portfolio of stocks and ETFs for nine years now.